6.99 $

Heart of Palm Puree 338g

6.99 $

Palmini Mashed is an innovative, low-calorie alternative to traditional purees. Made from heart of palm, it is a versatile and delicious substitute for many dishes.


The only ingredients are heart of palm, sea salt and citric acid, making it a simple and healthy option for everyone, including those following a specific diet.

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Weight Watchers Points Calculator
If you have xylitol or maltitol in your ingredients, you need to add 50% of these sugar alcohols to your net carbs to get the right total.

The health benefits of the keto lifestyle

The benefits of a Keto lifestyle are numerous: weight loss, improved metabolic and cardiovascular markers, mental health, insulin sensitivity, blood sugar control, cognitive functions, energy levels, mental focus, and more. -be general. Whether you prefer a delicious alternative to bread, a satisfying wrap, guilt-free desserts, tasty crackers, pasta, drinks, supplements, flour, mayonnaise, protein, cereal, candy bars, or syrups, our Keto products offer delicious and healthy options, perfectly aligned with the benefits of a keto lifestyle.

Why choose our Keto products?

When you choose our keto products, you are not just opting for a taste sensation, but you are committing to your well-being. Whether you're looking for a delectable alternative to bread, a convenient wrap, or a tasty dessert, our range of keto products is designed to make your low-carb journey enjoyable and satisfying.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Pâté chinois vs hachis palmini

Une recette qui vous ravira et vous fera oublier le pâté chinois bourré de glucides
500gr de viande hachée ( dinde-bœuf-veau-agneau)
1 petit oignon émincé
Persil frais haché
Sel et poivre au goût
Purée de cœur de palmier palmini
Faire suer l’oignon et ensuite le caraméliser
Ajouter la viande hachée de votre choix
Bien émietter
Transférer dans un plat allant au four.
Verser la purée palmini.. saupoudrer de mozzarella
Mettre au four pour environ 15 minutes et déguster :)